Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Best! By Nicole!


There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage.
- Seneca

One ceases to recognize the significance of mountain peaks if they are not viewed occasionally from the deepest valleys.
- Dr. Al Lorin

Cognitive Depression

This model of depression is triggered by your personality, emotions, perception, and beliefs. For example, if we often exagerate our problems, then we will not be able bear them. Point of view plays an important role here because according to how you perceive things, depression can appear or not.

For most catholics, the death of the pope is a great loss and they can easily become depressed for that, but those who are not catholics can lament his death but it is not a significant loss for them.


Environmental Depression

This type of depression is the most easy to understand because it is common for us to blame external factors for our inconveniences. This is the most common depression because every one can deal with it at least once in their lives no matter how strong they are. In our quotidian life, we experience with things that interfere with our tranquility.

A common cause of environmental depression is loosing your job. This can really narrow your emotions and feelings causin you to enter a depressing state. Many more things can influence this type of depression like bad grades in school, the death of a close person, etc.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Biological Depression

This type of depression is possibly the most doubtful one. Perhaps environmental depression is the one that seems more reliable to us. Biological depression is often querried wether scientists are correct or not in their explanations. However, there is a case that merely clears this doubts; twins. Twins carry the exact same genes, and if one is depressed, the other one is prone to be depressed as well.

It is possible that our depression comes from mom and dad. In this case, you are more likely to become depressive even with minimal unfortunate events. Of course other factors influence depression, but being biologically depressive makes you naturally vulnerable towards depression in any situation.
